It's been awhile since I updated everyone on what's been going on in my scrappy world. First some insight into my non-scrappy world to put things in some perspective. As you may have noticed, I added a banner to my blog saying I Dream of a Cure Lupus Awareness. I am a lupus patient and struggle with this daily. Lately, however there has been other medical issues plaguing me and we can't seem to figure out what in the heck is going on. I have a lot of pain in my spine and killer headaches all the time! I finally am on a pain med tat seems to help, but I feel a bit goofy on it..... I don't do pain meds well at all! So, anyhoo.... long story short, I have been pretty ill and am just trying to make it through each day with prayer, a positive attitude, and wonderful family and friends!
Now, onto my scrappy world news!! I have lots and just am blessed to be blowing all this gas at once!!! So, please don't mind if I toot a bit before I share what I have been creating! I'll start with my most recent news and work back.....
I just found out this past week that I made the DT for
A Walk Down Memory Lane!!!! Aaaahhhh! How exciting is that??! I was on pins and needles, as it took an extra day for the announcement. Lisa, the owner of the store, was getting her and her family ready to head for CHA, so understandable, but nerve wracking!!!! LOL!! I am soo excited and just can't wait to find out more details and get more active over there! Heck, I need to figure out how to get a blinkie and my picture on the forum!!
My first big project for
Scrapbook News and Review magazine was just completed, so be on the lookout for a blog post of when that's available!! :0)
I am pleased to announce I will be returning to
My Sketch World as a designer!! WaHoo!! I love my gurls there.... it is one big family! This time around I will be designing cards so that should be fun since they seem to be my latest scrappy obsession! Again, this is another site I have to update a blinkie from!! You should go and check out the new look if you haven't seen it yet!
Just a couple more....promise, ..... hang in there with me! ;0)
Let's Scrap has welcomed me back as a contributing DT member!! This is the first scrappy community I became a part of and I love it! All the gals there are super and so are the sketches! I am thankful to Cheri and the core team for their understanding of my illness and the constraints it can out on me at times. Being able to do what I can when I can will make it soo much easier to stay active there!! :0)
February will prove to be such a fun month of new beginnings for me.... throw in a GDT spot at
The Little Shabby Box and
Twisted Sketches and I am one happy scrapper!
Thanks for letting me toot!!
Now on to some scrappy goodness........
i have been extremely busy when my health has allowed craftin' away. Some projects are top secret and I'd have to kill you is I shared!!! LOL! But here are a couple of things to get me back in the swing of sharing!
Baby Love
This is my friend's baby girl.... isn't she a cutie pie! This line from BoBunny was perfect for this!
Close Up:
I can't wait to give this to her this week!
And here's a card:

I love this line from Cosmo Cricket so I couldn't resist picking it up from my LSS that is moving soon! Gotta love clearance!! I must get to her store before she is out at the end of the week!!
Close Up:

The buttons are from Foof-a-laa and the pearls are Queen Ann & Co.
I'll be back tomorrow with my last reveal for my first term at Let's Scrap.... it should be a cool one.... need to go finish! ;0)